
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Israel Feeling Abandoned

The numbers at the polls in Israel are telling an amazing story....only about 5% of Israelis support Obama. That's the lowest polling numbers ever for a U.S. President.

So what's up? Isn't Israel our best friend in the Middle East? Isn't Obama the most popular man in the world? How come Israel won't get on the "Obama-love-train"?

"What struck me is the unease in Israel now that a new administration in the United States is putting enormous pressure on them, that they feel very much alone, that the arm-twisting to halt the expansion of existing settlements in the West Bank is hugely problematic," he contends.

Brickner says he shares the Israelis' concerns. "I feel like there has been a shift in the politics of America's relationship to Israel," he adds. "And I understand the need to reach out and establish relationships with as many countries in the Middle East as possible -- but not at the expense of your best friend."

The ministry leader admits he fears for America as a nation if it withdraws its support of Israel, the nation he says that God has promised to eternally bless.

Read article here;

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