
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama Blinks

Remember when VP candidate Joe Biden said that Obama, if elected, would face a huge test early in his presidency? Many people simply wrote it off as just one other stupid comment from Biden, who has a history of making stupid comments.

Today in the Wall Street Journal, it is clear that Obama had two huge tests last from Iran and one from Russia....and he failed miserably on both of them...and has made our world exponentially more dangerous by his lack of resolve.

Stalin tested Truman with the Berlin Blockade, and Truman held fast. Khrushchev tested Kennedy, and in the Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy refused to blink. In 1983, Andropov took the measure of Reagan, and, defying millions in the street (who are now the Obama base), Reagan did not blink. Last week, the Iranian president and the Russian prime minister put Mr. Obama to the test, and he blinked not once but twice. The price of such infirmity has always proven immensely high, even if, as is the custom these days, the bill has yet to come.

Read article here;

As the article accurately points out, our enemies made demands of us and we caved....asking nothing in return and thereby showing them how weak we have become.

When you offer a bully your lunch money before he even hits you....that bully will come around again and expect more and more. Eventually you have to stand up....or you will be totally run over.

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