
Monday, September 14, 2009

More Famine

Jesus told us to watch for famine in various places. Today the headlines are talking about a severe famine in Kenya and Mexico that is already affecting millions and leading to unrest.

With green pastures drying up, the drought is killing crops and children. It is stoking tensions in water-deprived slums and spawning ethnic conflict in communities fighting over the few remaining areas of fertile land, the newspaper reports.

Read full article here;

And in Mexico we see this headline;
Social tensions rise as Mexico suffers worst drought in 60 years

Residents of poor neighbourhoods have hijacked water trucks, and there are other signs of social tensions building, with water supplies cut off frequently, and many people queuing from 4am to ask for water trucks to fill tanks in their houses.

Read that one here;

If we haven't figured it out already, we are approaching the Tribulation. All of this turmoil is simply foreshadowing.

"What I say to you I say to everyone; Watch!" Jesus as recorded by Mark 13:37

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