
Monday, September 14, 2009

No One Knows the Day or the Hour

This title of this post is actually a great passage from the bible. I have had this verse used many times against me as some believe I am "too watchful"....whatever that means. There is a large group of believers who spend zero time thinking about Christ's return or watching for what Christ told us to watch for....because their understanding is that all believers will be standing around clueless one day and all of a sudden they will see Jesus.

There really is no biblical basis for their belief. On the contrary, Paul and Jesus say we will not be surprised. (1 Thessalonians and Revelation)

Jack Kelly is a great prophecy writer and I have posted some of his other articles in the past. He too has been accused of being overly specific in his study of end times. He wrote an article recently about the two passages, "the thief in the night" and also "No one knows the day or the hour".

You can read it here;

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