
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nuke Iran

We all know that Israel is being backed into a corner concerning Iran. The world seems disinterested in going to war with the regime...since no one likes war. Duh!

As the saying goes though...."When good men refuse to stand up...bad men will eventually wreak destruction."

The article posted below talks about the miserable options that Israel has in trying single-handed to stop Iran....which may actually be on a suicide mission in hopes that the resulting chaos will usher in their messiah....the 12th Imam (Mahdi). How do you stop someone with lots of missiles who actually WANTS to blow up the world? Good question.

Now check out this paragraph and you will quickly realize how serious this party is getting;
Pre-emptive Nuclear Attack

This is the most frightening of the hypothetical scenarios, but it cannot be ruled out. As discussed above, Iran’s nuclear program would be very difficult to destroy in a conventional attack, and Iran and Israel are too far apart for Israel to strike with full power. Thus, the nuclear option cannot be ruled out.

If Israel did choose to attack with nuclear weapons, they would likely limit their strike to a few targets believed to be the most vital to the Iranian program, certainly including the Qom facility. Small nuclear weapons, exploded at ground level, can totally destroy any target, while somewhat limiting the amount of radioactive fallout that is sent across a large distance, thus limiting collateral damage.

All things are relative, however: “limited” collateral damage from a nuclear strike is still an enormous amount of damage, and the Qom facility, if struck by a nuclear weapon, could put up to a million lives in danger. That is, of course, a terrible risk, one no human-rights respecting country would take under ordinary circumstances. But such is the existential danger of a nuclear-armed Iran that Israel ultimately may have little choice.

Read article here;

So now it's on the table...being discussed by very intelligent people...Israel may have to use nukes themselves if they are going to prevent Iran from going nuclear.

If (when?) that happens....the world is going to have a cow!!!

What is VERY interesting is that if Syria decides to join into the fray and come to Iran's aid by attacking Israel...they also may be the recipient of a nuclear bomb....thereby fulfilling Isaiah 17.

We can all sleep well tonight knowing that God is in total control of this situation...because man seems to be at wits end.

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