
Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Fatal Blow" for Mid-East Peace

The United Nations has been diligently looking at the facts surrounding the Israeli operation, "Cast Lead"....when Israel went into Gaza, last January, to put an end to the rockets being launched from there.

In no surprise to anyone who supports Israel, the recently finished report condemns Israel for the violence and claims that a large amount of civilians in Gaza were intentionally killed by the Israeli Military...even mentioning war crimes charges could result.

Let's remember that almost 2/3 of the U.N.'s entire time has been devoted to discussions or condemnations of Israel...ever since Israel was allowed into the group sometime in the early 1960's. This group of world leaders has been wringing their hands daily...trying to figure out what to do with this Jewish state.....and also what to do about Jerusalem.

And yes, this is certainly the start of the fulfillment of Zechariah 12:4....which ends when all nations of the earth will gather against Israel to destroy her...but instead will injure themselves in the attempt.

Mr. Netanyahu came out today and said that if the U.N. approves this will deal a fatal blow to Mid-East peace he has, in essence, drawn a line in the sand for the U.N.

Firstly, he said, it would legitimise "terrorists who hide behind civilians" by laying the blame on victims of terror who act in self-defence.

He also said UN prestige would be adversely affected and the body would become irrelevant like "the darkest days where absurd decisions were passed".

"The most pressing issue," he said, "[was that] promoting the conclusions of the Goldstone report will devastate the peace process."

"Israel will not be able to take further measures, and will forbear taking further risks for the sake of peace, if Israel is denied its right for self-defence," he said.

Read it here;

So remember this....the stage is being set for the entire world to turn on Israel. I hope and pray that the rapture has already happened so that The Church will not be tempted to fall in line with the rest of the world...and begin to condemn Israel.

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