Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama's "Catholic Plan"

A Catholic friend sent me this YouTube video and asked whether I agreed with what this guy is saying.

You can watch the video here;

My answer to him was that I did agree with the video. Obama is the epitome of what it means to be a "liberal elite". Further, the liberal elites believe that they know (better than anyone else) what needs to be done to make things "fair and equitable"....that goes for U.S. citizens and for planet earth.

If you follow this rationale, then you quickly realize that they have to have the power.... to issue the edicts.... in order to make things "fair".

So many times, socialism starts out with good intentions.....but ALWAYS ends with blood shed when those in power become corrupt....and ultimately turn on those who question any of their motives.

Hint; why do you think so many detention facilities have been built at virtually every military base across the U.S.?? This includes Camp Ripley. Ask yourselves this; "Who does the government believe they will someday have to detain?"

It may be that anyone who believes and claims that the Bible is the inspired word of God (including fundamental Catholics, Lutherans and Covenanters)....will fall into direct conflict with the Federal Government....and become "eligible" to move to one of the detention facilities.

Do you think this could NEVER HAPPEN in America? If so....please read your world history and then read your Bibles.


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