
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

California Holiday for Gays

We have posted numerous times about the troubles that California is having...and have wondered aloud if these troubles are a foreshadowing of what may be coming for all of us.

Today they are being ravaged by torrential rains which they worry could lead to landslides because the hillsides in LA county were laid bare by the, "worst wildfires in LA county history."

So with looming financial collapse coming, fires, floods and there something supernatural going on? Is the State being punished for it's deviance and utter disregard for The God of Israel? You will have to decide for's very interesting that Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature continue to taunt God. Read on;

May 22 has officially become "Harvey Milk Day" in California. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill Sunday to honor the state's first openly gay politician elected to office by having California school children annually celebrate the man's birthday. Milk is only the 2nd person in The Golden State, after naturalist John Muir, to get a day dedicated to his honor.

Tens of thousands of people from both sides of the issue contacted the governor's staff regarding this controversial bill. Conservative groups had rallied without success to persuade the governor to veto the bill as he did last year. New attention drawn to Harvey Milk by the Oscar-winning movie and plenty of pressure from GLTB activist groups apparently changed Schwarzenegger's mind, however.

Harvey Milk Day will not be a state holiday; banks will be open and the kids will still have to go to school. In their classrooms on that day, according to the new law, teachers will offer lessons "remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state." In other words, Harvey Milk's homosexual activism gets to be celebrated by an entire day set up in his honor, (while thousands of other historically significant Californians are comparatively ignored).

Read the rest of this article here;

The great state of California is now going to set aside a day so everyone can reflect on the "great accomplishments" of Harvey Milk. Let's ask ourselves a simple question; Would his accomplishments been so "great" had he enjoyed having sex with women?....or is he set aside for special treatment simply because he enjoyed sex with other men?

Could there be a further connection between the signing of this bill into law and the devastation that continues to pour down on The Golden State?

If something doesn't change REALLY SOON.....the rest of the country is going to have to start paying for the financial disaster that California has driven itself into. And since the Federal Government has no money...they will need to print more to give to California...which will serve to put ALL OF US even further underwater.

Take courage in the story of Noah. As the clouds started to gather and the first raindrops fell...Noah knew that God had provided a way for him to escape the coming destruction.

In the same we watch the raindrops begin to fall and know that the destruction of The Tribulation is very close....God is going to send the Groom to gather all Christ followers into the we also can escape the coming destruction and wrath of God.

"There is, therefore, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Apostle Paul

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