
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cold Turkey

Muslim Turkey and Jewish Israel have actually been pretty close allies for the past 20 years. They are also both members of NATO (North American Treaty Organization) and Israel has a tank factory in Turkey.

Like a light switch...this has all changed.

JERUSALEM, Oct 13 (IPS) - It's long been among the most durable, strategic relationships in the Near East - perhaps because it was the most unlikely.

For decades, the two regional superpowers, Turkey and Israel, have quietly stood shoulder-to-shoulder on the common strategic challenges facing them.

For the past 20 years, the intriguing involvement between Jewish Israel and Muslim Turkey has been increasingly out in the open, impervious to demands from the Arab world and from hard-line elements in Turkey - both Muslim and left-wing - that Turkey should rather distance itself from its elaborate military and intelligence dealings with Israel.

Now it's all changing.

Or, is it just a temporary blip? On Sunday, Israel disclosed that joint North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) air force exercises, codenamed Anatolian Eagle, had been postponed because Turkey was excluding the Israeli air force. The drill was scheduled to have included the United States and Italy. Both pulled out after the Turkish ban.

Read it here;

Why do we watch this? Because Turkey is a key named player in Ezekiel 38...when a coalition gathers together with the intent of destroying Israel in the Last Days.

The foreshadowing of things that are yet to happen during The Tribulation continues to build.

How close is our Lord to shouting "Come up here!" to His bride?

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