
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Global Warming Means Global Division

Yesterday the activists of the world gathered to demand action on global warming. They are ordinary people who have never had a science class in their lives...but yet they are convinced that the climate is going to change and lead to all sorts of heinous outcomes. Why do they believe this? Because it has been repeated by our leaders so often that they reason it must be true.

Many of the events referred to the Copenhagen conference scheduled in December that will seek to reach a new global climate change treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on carbon dioxide emissions. It has been billed as a last chance to avoid the impact of catastrophic global that could be felt for generations.
McKibben said there are lessons to be learned from the Kyoto Protocol, which the U.S. did not join.

"We saw what happened," he said. "Everybody walked away once it was done, and there was no real progress. We need to pick up the pace."

Read article here;

The pressure for the new Nobel Peace Prize winner, President Obama, to sign the document, will be immense when he shows up in Copenhagen.

None of the climate change people that I debate have been able to answer me the simple question, "How come the whole Midwest was covered with a mile thick glacier 10,000 years ago? Doesn't that mean that climate change has been with us forever?"

I believe that fallen man has entered such an age of vanity that he believes he can control the climate of planet earth. Clearly, this is God's domain.

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