
Monday, October 26, 2009

Temple Needs To Be Built--Now!

As watchers, one of the things we need to be watching for is the rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Why, some may ask? Because it is very clear that the 3rd Temple will be standing during The Tribulation so that the Anti-Christ can stand in it and declare himself as god...thereby fulfilling numerous prophesies.

Let's all remember the good news about the day that the Anti-Christ does this.....we will all have been gone from planet earth and dwelling with Jesus for over 3 1/2 years!

Today there is an article on Ynet News that talks about many Jew's urgency to rebuild the temple.

Kiryat Arba Chief Rabbi Dov Lior said, "It is vital that the Israeli people visit the (Temple Mount). We are suffering because a large segment of the populations is indifferent towards this issue.

"Reclaiming our sovereignty over (the Temple Mount) will bring redemption closer," said the rabbi.

Remember folks, currently Arab riots are taking place around the Temple Mount. As in the past, a rumor gets started that Jews are thinking of visiting the Temple Mount....and that rumor is usually enough to start the Arabs rioting.

During a rightist event held in Jerusalem Sunday evening, just hours after Muslims rioted in and around the Temple Mount amid reports that Jewish extremists were planning to visit the site, Professor Hillel Weiss said, "The (third) temple must be built now. The mosques do not have to be destroyed in order for us to do this."

Read full article here;,7340,L-3795297,00.html

Notice also that this Professor is saying the the mosques don't have to be destroyed in order to build the 3rd Temple. Many believe what he is saying....that there is room enough for all on the Temple Mount.

This may be some serious foreshadowing and insight into what idea the Anti-Christ may use to get a peace agreement finally signed between the Arabs and Jews....which will be the event that starts the 7 years of Tribulation.

I love the words to that famous praise song; "People get ready, Jesus is coming...soon we'll be going home!"

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