
Monday, October 26, 2009

Let Palestinians Have Nukes!

When Muammar Gadhafi was in New York a few weeks ago looking for a place to set up his tent while he attended the UN meetings....we all figured he was a little off his rocker.

Today he has come up with an idea that confirms this guy is way off his rocker.

Arab states, as well as the Palestinians, should be allowed to develop nuclear weapons as long as Israel retains its nuclear program, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said in a televised interview Sunday night.

"If the Israelis have the nuclear weapons and the nuclear capabilities, then it is the right of the Egyptians, the Syrians, the Saudis to have the same," the Libyan leader told the British Sky network.

Gadhafi also claimed that "even the Palestinians should have the same because their counterparts, or their opponents, have nuclear capabilities."

Read article here;

Notice what Gadhafi says later when pressed on Iranian nukes;

Asked if he would advise Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to relinquish his nuclear arms, as his country did in 2003, the Libyan leader said that "Iran, up to now, hasn't said it is manufacturing a nuclear weapon: Iran says it is enriching uranium."

However, Gadhafi added, if "Iran were to manufacture nuclear weapons, nuclear arms, then all of us, including us, will be against them. But Iran has not said so."

Wow! That sure spells out the conditions for a nuclear arms race in the middle east. Can you imagine a world where Egypt, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Saudi Arabia and every other corrupt, despotic government or terrorist sponsor has access to nukes??

Does anyone have any doubt that those same people who clap their hands in joy and hand out candy when their children blow themselves up killing others....would have any problems blowing up hundreds of thousands with nuclear weapons?

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