
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Iran Says Israel Won't Strike

Israel is front page Google news again.

This time it is a story headlined the same as the above post title.

If world powers are not successful in efforts to contain the Iranian nuclear threat, an Israeli strike on Iran could become a reality, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said during a visit to Beirut, the Daily Telegraph reported Monday.

Iran's Ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, left, speaks to media after talks between Iran and the United States, Russia and France on Wednesday.

The French foreign minister suggested that time was indeed short for a solution to the Iranian threat. "There is the time that Israel will offer us before reacting, because Israel will react as soon as they know clearly that there is a threat."

"Israel will not tolerate an Iranian bomb. We know that, all of us," said Kouchner, adding that for this reason the world must work to "decrease the tension and solve the problem."

"Hopefully we are going to stop this race to a confrontation," Kouchner said.

Read full article here;

Israel has always known that if they capitulate and wring their will only be interpreted as a sign of weakness....and they live in a very rough neighborhood.

Time may indeed be more ways than one.

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