
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is Allah Writing on Babies?

An interesting story from Russia is in the news today. It appears that a baby is having verses from the Koran appear on his skin. He is being called the "miracle baby".

IZLYAR, Russia — A "miracle" baby has brought a kind of mystical hope to people in Russia's mostly Muslim southern fringe who are increasingly desperate in the face of Islamist violence.
From hunchbacked grandmas to schoolboys, hundreds of pilgrims lined up this week in the blazing sunshine to get a glimpse of 9-month-old baby Ali Yakubov, on whose body they say verses from the Koran appear and fade every few days.

Pinkish in color and several centimeters high, the Koranic verse "Be thankful or grateful to Allah" was printed on the infant's right leg in clearly legible Arabic script this week, religious leaders said. Visiting foreign journalists later saw a single letter after the rest had vanished.

Read full article here;

What could this mean? Could it be a miracle? Can Allah actually do miracles?

Let's think about this and run it through God's only word...the Bible.

Let's look at Mark 13:22 and the words of Jesus; "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible."

Since we know that Satan is the Father of all lies, we can safely conclude that he is also the father of these false prophets who will perform miracles.

So could this baby actually have words appearing on his bet. But we know those words did not come from Jesus....but were sent to deceive.

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