
Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's Only a Matter of Time

According to best-selling author Jerome Corsi, the U.S. Government is officially's simply a matter of time before the public realizes it.

Corsi plugs into a lot of the same info we have recently talked about in adult education at BCC. We just talked about this last Sunday and here it is again;

"The appetite of foreign buyers to purchase continued trillions of U.S. debt has become more questionable as the world has witnessed the rapid deterioration of the U.S. fiscal condition in the current financial crisis," Williams noted.

Corsi wrote, "The sad reality is that the U.S. Treasury has not reserved any funds to cover the future Social Security and Medicare obligations we are incurring today."

Corsi is right. The foreign investors and governments are stuffed full of U.S. Promises to Pay (Treasury Bills and Notes) and most likely will not be buying anymore. So who will continue to give us the money we need to keep things running? NO ONE!

So where will we get the money when the Capital calls and says there checkbook is empty? The Treasury will then start printing even more essence, creating it out of thin air.

And for every dollar that is printed out of thin air....the dollars that we already hold in our savings accounts and investments gets devalued a little bit at a time. If they start printing trillions of dollars, we will end up like all the Banana Republics of South and Central one will want a U.S. dollar because they will be worthless.

Read article here;

It's simply more evidence that NO GOVERNMENT CAN STAND UNLESS GOD DESIRES IT TO STAND FOR HIS PURPOSES. And the U.S. may very well disappear like the great empires of Babylon, Greece, Rome and Persia.

Pray for a revival...where all citizens of the U.S. will turn to God and seek his face....only then will He heal our land.

Hat tip to Adam G.

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