
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Israel a Threat to All Nations

Ahmadinejad is making his fiery statements again towards the Jews.

"The Zionist regime is a threat to all nations ... it cannot tolerate the existence of any strong country in the region," said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday, according to Teheran news agency Press TV.

The big prophetic news in this article is the strengthening relationship between Turkey and Iran. Remember, just a few short months ago, Turkey and Israel enjoyed a good relationship. And today, Turkey is falling into the arms of Iran and Russia.

Iran's president praised Erdogan's stance over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying the Turkish leader's "clear stance toward the Zionist regime has had a positive impact on the world of Islam."

Read article here;

I guess Ezekiel was right over 2800 years ago when he saw the day that this coalition of Russia, Iran and Turkey would turn on Israel.

What this coalition doesn't realize is that when they go out and gather to fight against Israel....God himself will supernaturally obliterate their He did in ancient days.

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