
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Playing God

There is a passage in the book of Daniel when Gabriel is giving Daniel a vision about the Last Days. In it he says, ".....and knowledge shall increase." I realize that there are some different interpretations of what Gabriel was talking about when he said this. But one of the ideas is that mankinds technological knowledge would increase exponentially as the return of Christ drew near.

Think about it....100 years ago, most people were still running around on horses and were pretty much living like we had for hundreds of years. And literally in the last hundred years we have gone from horseback to driving remote controlled vehicles on Mars. The technology jump is staggering....and we know it will keep coming.

Evidence of this is in today's headline;
No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells

But it raises a number of moral and ethical concerns. These include the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies.

Read it here;

That is right out of a Star Trek show.

If God doesn't come down and judge man soon...we may soon be making all sorts of strange beings as we tinker with the foundational building blocks of life itself.

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