
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jews Ignore Obama

We know that Obama has stuck his nose into Israel and proclaimed that they should quit building homes in the West Bank. Remember, the West Bank is biblical Judea. It clearly is the center of the Promised Land.

But Jewish opinions of Obama have rapidly soured...even here in the United States where Jews voted overwhelmingly for Obama.....they are now wondering if their vote was a colossal mistake.

And Israeli opinions of Obama are totally in the toilet with only 6% believing he will be good for Israel.

And now we are seeing the Israelis totally thumb their nose at going ahead with building new homes in Judea.

Developers of a new Jewish neighborhood on privately-owned land in eastern Jerusalem plan to lay the cornerstone for the project Wednesday afternoon, ignoring U.S. President Barack Obama’s opposition to Jewish “settlers" in the area. Former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau and National Union Knesset Member Uri Ariel plan to be on hand for the ceremony which marks the development of 105 luxury units in Nof Tzion. A new Torah scroll also will be dedicated.

Read it here;

We already know that relations between Netanyahu and Obama are chilly at best....and with this latest development sticking a finger in Messiah Obama's eye....Obama may decide to throw Israel under the bus.

If this happens, I would watch for America to possibly slide at an even quicker pace.

Keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem. This battle will only be won on our I fear the battle within the political arena has already been lost.

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