
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Islam, Israel and the U.S.

Today there was an article in the Wall Street Journal. It is written by the Grand Mufti of Egypt....who is basically the number one guy of Islam in the country.

The article starts off well....saying that the extremists of Islam have hijacked the faith and that the perpetrators of 9/11 will be punished in this life and the next.

But if you continue reading you will soon get to this paragraph;

Israel's occupation of Palestine must be brought to an end; its continuation is an affront to the fundamental tenets of justice and freedom that we all seek to uphold. In Iraq and Afghanistan, full sovereignty and independence must be restored to their people with the withdrawal of all foreign forces. President Barack Obama's historic address to the Muslim world from Cairo on June 4 was a landmark event that opened the door to a new relationship between Islam and the West, precisely because it acknowledged these imperatives. Yet much work needs to be done by both sides.

Did you catch that? Israel's occupation of Palestine must end! Wow! Does that mean that all the Jews must vacate all of Palestine....or would he be happy if they just vacated the West Bank?

It's interesting that he seems to be so concerned with the plight of the Palestinians. Because earlier this year when Egypt closed it's border with Gaza, the Egyptian military was shooting at the Palestinians who dared cross over into Egypt. Why? Because they don't want any Palestinians in their country....knowing dang well that many of the Palestinian youth have been taught to hate. And that hatred will come with them into Egypt.

Read article here;

Certainly, if this guy is one of the moderates...but won't even budge on anything considering Israel unless they vacate Palestine....we ARE heading for another Middle East war...and the fire that results may consume a lot more than the Middle East.

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