
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rhetoric Builds

Some people say that the USA should talk nicer to Iran because we are "shaming"them by giving ultimatums. After all, they say, we are getting deeper and deeper into a cycle of, "You started it!!" "No I didn't...YOU did!" They continue on with their rational, claiming that we are the bigger we should take the first step in backing down the rhetoric.

I wonder if those same people should write a letter to the editor at the Tehran Times and tell them the same....and they should do it SOON.

"Should a single American or Zionist missile land in our country, before the dust settles, Iranian missiles will blow up the heart of Israel," Zolnour was quoted as saying by the state IRNA news agency.

In March, Iran's deputy army chief made similar remarks, warning that his country will eliminate Israel if it attacks the Islamic republic.

"Should Israel take any action against Iran, we will eliminate Israel from the scene of the universe," Gen. Muhammad Reza Ashtiani said at the time in Teheran.

Ashtiani claimed Israel was "very vulnerable" and dismissed allegations that Iran was worried about Israeli maneuvers.

"Due to its special conditions, Israel is very vulnerable in the region," he said. "The aggressors will face a crushing response."

Read article here;

Did you notice that this official is claiming that Israel is "very vulnerable"? This is the danger of not lashing out with a REALLY BIG STICK immediately. Your enemies might not take the gesture as merciful or peaceful....but instead might take it to mean you are weak and....very vulnerable.

Hat tip to Mike S.

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