
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Castro Likes Obama's Nobel Prize

By now, we all know the wonderful news that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This is pretty amazing when you really start to think about it. Who else gets a reward simply for his intentions...rather than for anything that he has actually done?

I heard one caller on talk radio suggest that Obama should also get the Pulitzer Prize for book writing....not because he has actually written a book...but because he is GOING to write an incredible book sometime in the future!

Poor Obama. By now I hope he is realizing that being President is not as easy as just giving speeches and shaking hands. Sometimes you actually have to make difficult decisions. Maybe that's why Obama insists on giving a speech and shaking hands's much easier than sitting behind a desk and being "the decider".

BUT...the sarcastic good news of the day is that Fidel Castro of Cuba believes it was a great thing that Obama got the prize. Castro went on to say that the prize made up for poor-Obama being snubbed by the Olympic Committee.

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro lauded the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to U.S. President Barack Obama, saying on Saturday it was "a positive measure" that was more a criticism of past U.S. policies than a recognition of Obama's accomplishments.

Castro said the prize made up for the blow Obama suffered last week when the International Olympic Committee awarded the 2016 Summer Games to Rio de Janeiro after Obama had flown to Copenhagen to pitch for Chicago, his adoptive hometown.

Read it here;

One thing is for sure....the tyrants and dictators sure do like Obama. And who can blame them? After all, he is a nice man who has cute kids...and have you seen his wife's arms??

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