
Saturday, October 10, 2009

UN Once Again Condemns Israel

We have written quite a bit about how illogical it is that the United Nations spends 2/3 of it's entire time discussing, debating and condemning Israel. How could this be??

The ONLY answer is a supernatural one. Satan is the Prince of this earth so he holds sway for JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGER. And he is cooking a plan to try and destroy God's chosen people...and will use the armies of the world in an attempt to accomplish this.

Check this out of you want some evidence of UN insanity;

The Bush administration refused to lend the Human Rights Council any credibility. While aware of the fact that the Council had adopted more resolutions and decisions condemning Israel than all other 191 UN member states combined, the Obama administration reversed course. The United States joined the Council and took its place as a full member for the first time at this latest session.

Read it here;

Did you catch that? The Council has condemned Israel more than all other 191 UN Nations combined? Now you tell me....did Zechariah hit that nail right on the head??

Hat tip to Julie E.

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