
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Arabs See U.S. Tilt to Israel

Israel was on the front page of the Wall Street Journal yesterday.....again!

The article was titled the exact same as I titled this post.

It appears the Arab countries are getting ready to throw things at Obama.....because they are angry. Now there's a surprise....and angry Arab government!

MARRAKECH, Morocco -- The Obama administration's drive for Middle East peace risked a major setback as Arab nations warned of "failure" after a surprise U.S. shift away from insisting on a total freeze of Israeli settlement-building in disputed areas ahead of peace talks.

A furor in Arab capitals forced U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to issue a carefully worded statement from Morocco on Monday, asserting that U.S. policy on the settlement issue hadn't changed. That didn't damp the criticism.

So of course, the Arabs are walking away from the "peace process" with Israel that the U.S. is trying to shove down every one's throats. So the Obama team will just keep banging it's head against a wall....somehow believing if they bang it long enough and hard enough that the wall will somehow magically fall down.

U.S. officials weren't able to outline what steps they will take if the Arab governments don't relent and agree to resume negotiations without the freeze. That appeared unlikely Monday. Palestinian officials stressed that they can't be expected to take further steps and expect public support without that concession. Some analysts say the U.S. should wait until the completion of Palestinian elections next year until pushing again.

Read it here;

Did you catch that? The Palestinian officials said they can't take further steps without getting the concession from Israel first. Question?....what steps have they taken up to this date besides firing 8000 illegal missiles into southern Israel within days of Israel giving them the concession of withdrawal from Gaza.

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