
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pretty Please?!

Obama and The West seem convinced that if they keep pleading and begging with Iran....that the Iranian regime will finally give in and give up it's nukes, respect Israel and quit all this, "Down with America!" rhetoric.

It's like we all just refuse to catch a clue.

Yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens had another outstanding article and pretty much hits it right on the head after he catalogues how many times Iran has said, "No!" and how we simply refuse to hear them and instead just keep begging.....making ourselves look more pathetic all the time....and making Iran even more belligerent as they realize The West has become sniveling little whiners.

I once overhead a guy try to make a date over the phone. His end of the conversation went roughly as follows:
"How about Friday?" (Pause.) "Not Friday? Because I'm free most of the weekend." (Pause.) "Not this weekend? What about next Saturday?" (Pause.) "Are you free at all next week?" (Long pause.) "Well, are you ever free?"

Apparently she was not, at least as far as he was concerned.
Now it's the turn of the Obama administration to play the guy who won't take a hint. And it falls to the Islamic Republic of Iran to be the girl who's hard—actually, impossible—to get.

Read this article here where it catalogues how many times Iran has said "No!"'s_Most_Popular

Obama better soon understand that the more he apologizes and abases the U.S., the more pathetic and desperate we become in the eyes of the Iranians and to all our enemies.

Remember to pray for Obama and his team. After all, he is our president and would not be in that position unless God ordained it for fulfilment of His word.

Thy will be done.....

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