
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Surrounded by Hatred

If you are looking for some visuals to help understand how small Israel is verses how large their enemies are...this is a great site.

If you are looking for documentation of how illogical it is that the Arabs and Persians are demanding that Israel give up more land to the Palestinian-Arabs....this is a great site.

As we have said numerous times....God referred to Jerusalem as the, "apple of My eye." Ever since those words were uttered, Satan's focus has been on destroying God's apple....Israel.

The Bible is also clear that all humans who are not washed by the blood of the Lamb...are sons of the devil. Because of this truth, it should come as no surprise to any of us that the humans of planet earth are increasing their hatred and animosity towards Israel and the Jews. They are unknowingly doing the bidding of their father....Satan.

On the other hand, those humans who have the Holy Spirit indwelling in them, the Bible calls, "Sons of the Light." So we can expect that the Sons of the devil will also be focusing their hatred (in these Last Days) on all the Sons of the Light.

Jesus said that we can expect their hatred because they first hated him.

Jesus also said, "You are either for me or against me."

No wonder so many liberals hate Christ....he leaves them no grey area to inhabit.

Hat tip to Mike S.

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