
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Preparing for War in Gaza

Last week we posted an article about Lebanon complaining to the United Nations that they felt Israel was preparing for war with them...and unless the UN ran interference on Israel....Israel might soon invade and attempt to destroy Hezbollah.

Today we found this headline;
ANALYSIS / Israel preparing public for a new war in Gaza

We will remind you again why this is incredibly interesting; because Psalm 83 names by name the tribes that will be destroyed and taken over by Israel in the Last Days....and the Palestinians of Gaza are one of the people groups mentioned and so are the peoples of Lebanon.

It seems that Hamas in Gaza fired a new longer range rocket.

The rocket was fired in rough weather, apparently in an attempt to hide the experiment from Israeli eyes. But Israel's radar installations registered the launch, even if the exact spot where the missile hit the sea is unknown. Israel believes Hamas considers the new rocket a strategic asset, a "doomsday weapon" of sorts, and therefore avoided publicizing the experimental launch, in the hope of using the weapon as a surprise during some later confrontation.

The Israeli announcement of this missile test by Hamas was probably meant to prepare the public for the idea that the IDF may soon need to go into Gaza again.

Yadlin's announcement should be seen as part of an attempt by the military to prepare the public for a new attack against the Strip. The General Staff is not remotely eager for another round, especially with the Goldstone report conclusions still haunting commanders of the previous operation when they travel abroad.

Hamas, for it's part, is in no hurry for a confrontation either. Gaza has not yet recovered from the devastation of Cast Lead, and the organization knows it would pay in heavy casualties if the conflict reignites.

Read it here;

"....there will be wars and rumors of wars...."

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