
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sanhedrin Issues Warning to UN

Do you guys remember the Sanhedrin? Pull out your Bibles and remember that Jesus spoke severely to this group of Jewish lawmakers.

Well....they are back. For the first time in 1900 years they are reconvening and issuing edicts and comments. To be honest, this has to be one more sign that we are living in the very last the Jews are getting ready for the day when they can build the third temple and start worshiping and sacrificing again. And the Sanhedrin is a necessary part of this whole process.

It seems that the Sanhedrin has issued a warning to the UN that if they decide to pursue this Goldstone report that is accusing Israel of war crimes in the Gaza Operation Cast Lead...they will bring about the catastrophic events talked about in the OT book of Joel.

You can't make this stuff up!!

Check this out;

The Sanhedrin then explained by what authority it issues injunctions to the United Nations: "The International Court of the Sanhedrin operates by the power of the Bible, the only Holy Writ whose essence was handed over to mankind at Mt. Sinai [the Torah], and of the Prophets, sent to all nations of the world and universally held in respect by them. By virtue of this delegated authority, passed down from one generation to the next ever since the time of Moses our teacher, the master of all of prophets, and by virtue of the succession of authority in Jewish tradition, we appealed to you that you might not fail and thus fail the world, bringing upon it catastrophe."

Now, get this;

The Sanhedrin concludes by advising that the verse from the Prophet Isaiah - “Let them beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and they shall not learn war anymore”- that is engraved on the United Nations wall "will never be realized via the Goldstone Report and the traditional policy of the UN regarding the State of Israel. [Instead,] your welcome action [as advised above] is anxiously awaited by all mankind. You have the power to help contribute to the prevention of wars."

Did you catch that?? A verse from Isaiah which is talking about the thousand year reign of Christ on earth--The Millennium--is engraved on the UN wall!! And the Sanhedrin is invoking this verse in it's message to the UN.

Read it here;

Remember folks....Jesus rebuked the religious people of His time for not being able to recognize the season of the Messiah on earth. How much more is he going to hold us responsible if we don't recognize the season that we are in....which is the soon return of Jesus.

Our blessed hope is that we will soon hear the trumpet and see Jesus in the clouds as he yells to His bride to "COME UP HERE!"

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