
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dividing Jerusalem

The Bible gives stern warnings to those who would divide God's land.

More than rumors are growing that the Palestinian government may attempt to declare statehood and include the land that Israel recaptured during the1967 war....and that includes Jerusalem.

Obviously, if this happens it could put Israel in further conflict with the United Nations.

Concerns are growing in Israel's government over the possibility of a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence within the 1967 borders, a move which could potentially be recognized by the United Nations Security Council.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently asked the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama to veto any such proposal, after reports reached Jerusalem of support for such a declaration from major European Union countries, and apparently also certain U.S. officials.

The Bible also clearly states that Jerusalem will continue to be trampled upon by many nations until the fullness of the gentiles is complete. What does the "fullness of the gentiles" mean? It means that when the last person whose name is written in the Lamb's book of life accepts Christ as savior... then Christ's bride is made complete....the Father in heaven will send the son to collect his bride....that means the rapture of the church!

With all this trampling going on and all the world's attention focused on close may we be to this glorious event actually taking place?

Read article here;

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray that we can all have an urgency about us to go and snatch people from the fire by spreading the news of the Gospel.

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