
Monday, November 9, 2009

Middle East Heads Toward Abyss

The King of Jordan recently said that the region is heading towards an abyss. Remember that Jordan borders almost all of Israel on the eastern side.

Jordan's King Abdullah II warned on Monday against the continuation of the political stalemate reached in the region. In a special interview to London-based al-Hayat newspaper, Abdullah warned that if the current situation continues, it would be "heading towards an abyss. If there is no progress, if there is no vision, I am concerned about Palestine, and about the entire region."

In the first part of the two-part interview, Abdullah urged Israel to cease its "illegitimate steps that make chances for peace tough."

He said, "Jerusalem is the red line. The Israelis must understand Jerusalem's standing among the Arabs, the Muslims and the Christians, and should not play with fire."

Read article here;,2506,L-3802347,00.html

Isn't that interesting that the King specifically pointed out Jerusalem.....the apple of God's eye??

He then goes on to tell the Israelis that THEY must understand how important this city is to the Arabs and to not play with fire.

With all the history that the Jews have in Jerusalem, with the 1000+ times it's mentioned in the Torah, with all the ancient Jewish artifacts that have been found that PROVE their claim to the Arab King has to tell them to be careful about Jerusalem!!

Forget about the fact that Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran.

It's simply more evidence of the Satanic nature of Islam. Ever since God uttered the words claiming Jerusalem....Satan has coveted that Holy city. And he will use deceit, hatred, lies and everything else in his bag of tricks to convince his followers that they MUST POSSESS THAT CITY!!

You can't make this stuff up!!!

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