
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Iran and 2012

With all the hype going on concerning 2012 (type in 2012 on this blog search if you are clueless on the hype) and now a major motion picture by that name selling out theatres across the country....this headline caught my attention.

Iran 'could have bomb by 2012'

Iran could have enough uranium to produce a nuclear bomb by 2012, experts have warned.

The International Atomic Energy Authority believes Iran will start enriching uranium at a former top secret plant in two years time, according to sources.

Iran denies it wants a nuclear weapons programme, saying it is creating only nuclear fuel.

See it here;

Again, just to be clear; the Bible says NOTHING about the year 2012. It's just very interesting to watch all the various sources from around the world from scientists to astronomers to the Mayans....all calling for catastrophe in 2012.

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