
Monday, November 16, 2009

Malnutrition and Climate Change

The world is gearing up to all meet in Copenhagen next month to discuss all that can be done to combat global warming. Of course, America will be looked at as the leaders of this charade and we will be expected to bring a lot to the table as far as solutions go.

Of course, any "fix" will be incredibly expensive and seeing as we don't have any money in the first will be doubly disastrous for the U.S. to have to borrow money from others so that we can spend it today to fix a problem that we supposedly are going to have in the future.

Did you get all that?

Today's Wall Street Journal has an excellent article on what the folks in Ethiopia think about global warming. The author went to a shack that has hungry children where both parents bring home a total of $70/mo working in a government owned factory.

Let me ask you before you read this; Do you think these folks would be better off if the Copenhagen party decided to send them some food and money or would they be better off if the money is spent on trying to cool the world by 1/4 of a degree over the next 50 years?

As the author points's immoral to focus on global warming at the expense of food aid.

Poor families in Ethiopia struggle to survive, and global warming will make it tougher for them. In some of the poorest areas on earth, global warming is expected to increase hunger in the future. Mr. Mekonen has heard talk of global warming but, he said, "it does not affect our lives."

What does affect his life is high food prices. His family can afford to eat meat just once a month. Global food aid is at a 20-year low. Prices soared in 2008, partly because rich countries' biofuel mandates—designed to fight global warming—have meant that land once used to grow crops to feed people is now being used to grow crops to feed cars.

Read it here;

Is it becoming more obvious every single day that man is TOTALLY OUT OF ANSWERS?

Is it becoming move obvious every single day that we are hungry for a savior?

The world will accept anyone with answers...including the Antichrist...but we followers of Christ should be about the Master's work as we excitedly await His calling for us.

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