
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Isaiah 17 Draws Closer

The headline news today continues to be Syria and Israel.

Israel has said they will talk to Syria without any preconditions.

Syria says that they won't talk to Israel without Israel first saying they are going to give up the entire Golan Heights.

Yet Syria turns this around on Israel and claims it is Israel who is being an impossible peace partner.

"We will go to talks after Netanyahu gives us guarantees for the return of all Syrian land," Assad told Sarkozy, whom he met subsequently to Netanyahu's visit to Paris.

In response, Shaaban said, Sarkozy told Assad that Netanyahu had regarded his demands as a possible outcome of talks. But Assad insisted, "No, this is the location from which talks depart. The result of the talks is peace. If you want peace, the outcome will be peace."

Read it here;,2506,L-3808314,00.html

Remember, the Bible tells us that one day Damascus will be laid waste and totally never be inhabited again.

As these two countries fall further apart....they draw closer to war.

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