
Friday, November 20, 2009

Jews Prepare for Messiah

Yesterday's post included some comments about a Jew who was watching a one-world-government form before her very eyes but went on to note that this was a sign that the Messiah was soon coming.

A reminder; the Jews have not accepted Christ as the Messiah. 2000 years ago, they were looking for a warrior king, not a man on a donkey, and stumbled in their prophetic blindness just as Zechariah said they would.

When the one-world-leader does show up on scene, they will be mistaken (again) about his identity...and will accept him as their Messiah.

This will prove to be a tragic mistake which will usher in a destruction of 2/3 of the entire Jewish race...and also 2/3 of the entire human race. Satan's hatred and God's wrath will be poured out on planet earth.

Jesus tells us that if these days were not cut short by his return to earth....that NO flesh would survive.

Today this headline comes to us from an Australian paper;

JERUSALEM: Yehuda Glick is a 44-year-old American-born Jew who spends most of every day preparing for the arrival of the Messiah in Jerusalem.

Since he became the executive director of the Temple Institute, Mr Glick's main task has been to supervise the manufacture of the utensils the high priests will need when the day arrives.
Crowns and other instruments made of solid gold fill glass cases in the Temple Institute museum in Jerusalem's Old City.

Other artefacts include an array of copper urns, trumpets made of silver and garments to be worn by the High Priest, woven from golden thread.

Musical instruments, including hand-made harps and lyres, lie ready to be brought to life upon the Messiah's appearance.

Read article here;

It's also interesting to note that the Jews are preparing to build this temple for who they believe to be Messiah. But in actuality, it will only last a few years before it will be destroyed during the events of The Tribulation.

When Jesus shows up, he will build his own temple in Jerusalem where the world will come to worship him as he sits there on David's throne....thereby fulfilling the rest of prophecy.

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