
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Evil Times and Weak Leaders

Posted below is an interesting article from a Jewish woman who has a talk radio show in Israel.

It is interesting for a few reasons. One is that as a Jew she sees the world growing towards a day when there will be a one world government. Yes, so do we Christians. But where we are looking for the rapture of the church which ushers in the Antichrist....she believes that the Messiah will come and rule the coming one world government.

So you can clearly see how the stage is being set for the Jews to accept the Antichrist as the Messiah....especially after the AC will be the first world leader to broker a peace agreement between Israel and her Arab/Muslim enemies. The cheering in the streets of Jerusalem on that day will be deafening....but we Christians will be watching it all unravel from our heavenly homes as this will take place after the rapture.

The world has been spinning on path towards the redemption without our even being aware of it. We are so involved in our daily routines and family obligations, that we tend to live in microscopic worlds not bothering to take a step back out of the circle and examining what is happening on a larger scale. We are headed towards a 'Centralized One World Government' whether we like it or not.

Now, we can take it in stride and say that it is all for the best, as anyway, when the Messiah comes, the whole world will be united anyway, and this is just a step in that direction, albeit under the wrong idea of unity. What I am saying is, that when the world is united under the Moshiach (Messiah), it will be united under G-d, The Almighty, The Creator, and not united under the god of trade, security and prosperity promises, or the god of money.

And it's doubly interesting to note her comments on Obama and the pressure he is exerting on Israel.

Where are our true leaders today and why can't they be honest, truthful and straightforward like we need them to be? Are they ALL sold out? Even today, at the request of the U.S. Obama administration, our leaders kowtowed to American pressure to not give a memorial speech in our own Knesset, for Rabbi Kahane. What's it Obama's business on what we do domestically (rehtorical, because I know it is to not wake people up to the suicidal 'peace process' they want shoved down our throats.) and what makes our puny leadership today acquiesce to this pressure? It's pathetic, and we are living in evil times with weak leadership.

Read it here;

It is truly supernaturally amazing to watch how this drama unfolds.....Christians watching for the return....Jews watching for the Messiah.....Muslims watching for the Mahdi.

Clearly, all the descendants of Abraham are watching for something....but take heart that only the Children of the Light were given "the rest of the story". (as Paul Harvey would have said.)

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