
Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Delusion

If you want to see how "smart" people view religion....there is an interesting piece in the New York Times today.

It's interesting to me how these smart people always come to the conclusion that all religions are made none of them is any better than any other....and if it helps you sleep at night then just keep doing it....even though it is much like taking a placebo. (sugar pill)

This article is titled, THE EVOLUTION OF THE GOD GENE.

That's a really "smart" title because they fit their failed theory of evolution right into their failed understanding of the Power of the Gospel.

This and other research is pointing to a new perspective on religion, one that seeks to explain why religious behavior has occurred in societies at every stage of development and in every region of the world. Religion has the hallmarks of an evolved behavior, meaning that it exists because it was favored by natural selection. It is universal because it was wired into our neural circuitry before the ancestral human population dispersed from its African homeland.

For atheists, it is not a particularly welcome thought that religion evolved because it conferred essential benefits on early human societies and their successors. If religion is a lifebelt, it is hard to portray it as useless.

For believers, it may seem threatening to think that the mind has been shaped to believe in gods, since the actual existence of the divine may then seem less likely.

These last comments I put in bold are priceless. It reminds me of Paul's words that tell us the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.

Please note the author of this article is the Science Reporter for the New York Times, so I am guessing his world view and understanding of Jesus Christ is about as deluded as it could get.

So let me offer an alternative answer based on a Biblical world view;
Yes, man was created for worship.
Yes, man fell because Satan and the fallen ones were already here on earth to tempt us.
Yes, early man then had deception running through his veins.
Yes, Satan used our internal worship design to set up false religions.(like the ones these folks dug up in Mexico)
Yes, those religions involved child sacrifice, perverted sex, blood rituals and contacting the spirit world...all of which are signs of Satanic worship.
Yes, God always had a redemption plan since before the world was created.
Yes, God chose Abraham (after the flood) to father a people called the Jews.
Yes, the Jews were handed the OT Word of God.
Yes, they were brought to the Holy Land and with the help of God killed all the Satanically-polluted people and animals in the land and were then set apart as Holy.
Yes, Jesus Christ completed the redemption plan when he shed perfect blood to atone for all.
Yes, all Christ followers will be taken away in the twinkling of an eye to be Christ's eternal bride.
Yes, Christ will come back and sit on David's throne and rule and reign over planet earth for 1000 years.

Amen!!...and come Lord Jesus!

Read the whole "smart" article here;

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