
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Norway Buys the Lies

One thing we should expect to see amongst all the turmoil and uncertainty taking place on planet earth, is the isolation of Israel. At the end of The Tribulation period, the Bible tells us that all the nations of the earth will gather against her.

We are currently seeing the shadows of this future event cast into today's news.

Norway's second-largest university to vote on Israel boycott

The boycott initiative started with a letter, signed by 34 professors and assistant professors at NTNU and the University College of Sør-Trøndelag, also in Trondheim. NTNU is Norway's second-largest university.

The letter read: "We, who have signed this letter, believe that it is time that academic institutions contributed to an international pressure against Israel so that real negotiations between Israel, democratically elected Palestinian authorities and the international society can begin."

Did you catch that? It's time that we put international pressure on Israel. Pressure to do what? Give away their land? Negotiate with terrorists?

Read article here;

How about we put international pressure on the Arab nations that caused the "Palestinian problem" in the first place? They have 1000 times more land than teeny-tiny Israel....and those Arab countries kicked all the Jews out of their countries when Israel was established....even though the Jews had been living in those Arab lands there since the first century.

The Palestinians and their Arab sponsors have played the "victim" card very well. The Arab lie of the Palestinians plight has been repeated so often and the true history has been erased for so long.....that even the world's educated countries are now believing those lies.

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