
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Israelis Prepare for War

It sure seems to be getting close, people. The headlines and rumors continue to build that Israel will soon be at war with Iran.

"But wait a minute," some will say, "Isn't Iran cooperating with international pressure and now willing to work with The West regarding nuclear fuel? Shouldn't that calm the Israelis?"

Given these dreadful options, one might assume that the Israeli public would respond with relief to reports that Iran is now considering the International Atomic Energy Agency's proposal to transfer 70% of its known, low-enriched uranium to Russia for treatment that would seriously reduce its potential for military application. In fact, Israelis from the right and the left have reacted with heightened anxiety. "Kosher Uranium," read the mocking headline of Israel's largest daily, Yediot Aharonot. Media commentators noted that easing world pressure on Iran will simply enable it to cheat more easily. If Iranian leaders are prepared to sign an agreement, Israelis argue, that's because they know something the rest of us don't.

So you see, unlike The West which values honesty and desperately wants to believe what Iran is telling them.... the Israelis know that's not the case. They have lived amongst the Persians for centuries. Remember the OT book of Esther takes place amongst the Persian people. Queen Esther was married to the Persian king. And Haman, who wanted to kill all the Jews, was Persian. It was only in the 1930's that Persia changed it's name to Iran.

As sanctions efforts faltered, most Israelis came to answer the first question affirmatively. A key moment in coalescing that resolve occurred in December 2006, when the Iranian regime sponsored an "International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust," a two day meeting of Holocaust deniers. For Israelis, that event ended the debate over whether a nuclear Iran could be deterred by the threat of counter-force. A regime that assembles the world's crackpots to deny the most documented atrocity in history—at the very moment it is trying to fend off sanctions and convince the international community of its sanity—may well be immune to rational self-interest.

Israel has been prepping for war since December of 2006....when they realized Iran may be immune to rational self-interest. Could the order to "GO!" be given today or tomorrow? If it will it change our lives? More will it change the lives of God's chosen people?

Read full article here;

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