Tuesday, December 1, 2009

China May Not be Helpful

In adult ed last Sunday, we talked about how China could end up being a thorn in America's side when it comes to negotiating with our enemies.

We hypothesized what it might look like if China invaded Taiwan and we were forced into a military confrontation with them. "Hey Mr. China? Could we borrow some more money from you so that we can afford to defend Taiwan with our military?"

That might not play real well.

Today in the headlines, it appears that China might be on the road to making life difficult for us in regards to Iran.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang, meanwhile, said Tuesday that more dialogue, not sanctions, was needed to resolve the issue of Iran's nuclear program. His words came after Teheran announced Sunday that it plans to build 10 more uranium enrichment facilities.

Did you catch that? After Iran absolutely stuck their illegal nuclear ambitions right in everyone's face....China says that we just need to continue talking to them. How is The West ever going to play hardball with I'm-a-whack-job in Iran, if China refuses to help us out? They have a seat on the UN security council and have veto power.

Read it here; http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1259243049458&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

Remember what Proverbs tells us, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

Let's see....I think we owe about $1 Trillion to China and if you add up the $10 Trillion we owe around the world plus the unfunded liabilities of $trillions in Social Security promises and other governmental obligations....it's pretty obvious that we will soon be poor. Certainly our days of being "rich" are numbered.


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