
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Eerie Headline

The Bible tells us that a one-world-government will be coming in the very last days. Originally the people will welcome this government as an answer to all their problems. Furthermore, they will fall in love with the most charismatic leader to ever walk the planet.....he will be the Antichrist.

But after 3 1/2 years of peace....that same government will turn on a lot of people...particularly Jews and new followers of Christ. And the Antichrist will force everyone to take the "mark of the beast" in order to be part of his system.

It you refuse....they will come after you and there will be no place to hide.

If you accept the mark....your name will be stricken from the book and you will join Satan in the lake of fire when Christ returns.

That's why this headline on the front page of Google was so eerie;
There will be nowhere to run from the new world government

There is a whiff of totalitarianism about this new theology, in which the risks are described in such cosmic terms that everything else must give way. "Globalism" is another form of the internationalism that has been a core belief of the Left: a commitment to class rather than country seemed an admirable antidote to the "blood and soil" nationalism that gave rise to fascism.

Read it here;

Of course, this article has nothing to do with prophecy and I'm sure 99% of the world has NO CLUE that the Antichrist is coming.....but it is simply more evidence of the foreshadowing all around us that tells us these things are imminent.

Again, what did Jesus say?...."when you BEGIN to see all these things....then look up for your redemption is near."

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