
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vote While No Ones Looking

It seems our elected officials in Washington are trying to shove some things through quickly....while no one is looking.

One of them is healthcare reform.....which will be a fiasco.

But the other one they are shoving through is raising the U.S. debt limit. Yes, it's a figure that congress must vote on. It's kind of their self-imposed credit limit. The democrats desperately want to raise this debt limit in 2009 so they don't have to have it rubbed in their face during the election year of 2010.

We have posted about this in the recent past.

In the article posted below, I found this statement which is interesting to actually see in print;

The Treasury Department has warned that it would likely reach the current debt limit by December 31, potentially putting the United States at risk of default.

The government posted a record $1.4 trillion deficit in the fiscal year ended September 30 and is on track this year to spend at least $1 trillion more than it collects.

The debt has more than doubled since 2001, due to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, tax cuts and the worst recession since the 1930s, one that has caused tax revenues to plunge and spending on federal safety-net programs to rise.

Senate leaders set the debt-limit vote for Thursday, Christmas Eve, just before lawmakers go home for the holidays.

Did you catch that??....U.S. at risk of default? Did you see when they will vote to allow the Treasury to print more money...on Christmas eve right before they all disappear for a month of Holidays?

Folks....if by now, you haven't recognized that this country is being run by a bunch of out-of-control monkeys...who can't tell the difference between common sense and a banana....then you simply aren't paying attention.

Please continue to pray for our leaders in Washington lest we forget that they also are at the heart and center of the spiritual battle taking place as these last days play out.

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