
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ezekiel Called it!

Most by now are familiar with Ezekiel 38-39 that talks about a Last Days coalition.

That coalition will be led by the leader of the people of Magog (now called Russia). Joining them will be a horde of angry Arabs, Turks and Persians. (Iran)

What are they so angry about?

Israel. (Surprise!!)

We have seen some VERY rapid movement on this building coalition and have blogged of it often. Most staggering is to watch how Turkey has literally turned away from The West in a matter of months...and run into the arms of the Russians and Iranians.

And now it appears that Russia wants to make friends with a Muslim horde spoke of in this never fulfilled prophecy.

ALK KUWAIT, December 21 (Itar-Tass) - The fifth conference of the strategic vision group “Russia and Islamic World” opened in the Kuwaiti capital on Monday. It has been organised by the Russian Council of Muftis and the Kuwaiti ministry for the affairs of waqufs and Islam.
President Yunus-Bek Yevkurov of Ingushetia addressed the conference and read a message of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, in which he stated that Russia, which has the status of an observer in the Organisation of Islamic Conference, “is determined to develop cooperation with the Islamic world.”

Read it here;

Will this prophecy soon be fulfilled? Will we be here to witness God crushing this coalition as they are on the verge of destroying Israel?

Or will we be watching the whole thing unfold using our new glorified eyes....given to us at the Rapture?

Prophecy watchers are NOT in agreement on the exact timing of the Rapture in relation to the above mentioned coalition...but one thing that they do all agree will either be SOON BEFORE of SOON AFTER.

Either's soon.

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