
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Line in the Sand

We have been watching Obama and The West draw lines in the sand that Iran MUST NOT CROSS in regards to it's illegal nuclear program.

The problem is that Iran keeps crossing it... and Obama and The West simply keep redrawing the line.

The current line is drawn for the end of the year. On any one's calendar...that means December 31.

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's president on Tuesday dismissed a year-end deadline set by the Obama administration and the West for Tehran to accept a U.N.-drafted deal to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel, and claimed his government is now "10 times stronger" than a year ago.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's remarks underscored Tehran's defiance in the nuclear standoff — and also sought to send a message that his government has not been weakened by the protest movement sparked by June's disputed presidential election. His comments came a day after the latest opposition protest by tens of thousands mourning a dissident cleric who died over the weekend.
President Barack Obama has set a rough deadline of the end of this year for Iran to respond to an offer of dialogue and show it will allay fears of weapons development. Washington and its allies are warning of new, tougher sanctions on Iran if it doesn't respond.

Did you catch that phrase, "rough deadline"? Makes one wonder if the Associated Press just helped Obama prepare to move that line one more time.

So when Iran refuses (which it already has)....Obama will be able to give another speech saying that Iran has "roughly" until January (that could mean til February 1...right?) to comply with the wishes of The West.

Read it here;

One thing for sure....if you ever want to empower a lunatic, a bully or a bratty child....just keep talking but never follow through with your threats. It works every time.

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