
Monday, December 7, 2009

False Idols Will Be Destroyed

It's funny how many of us Americans can read our Bibles and say to ourselves, "Those nasty could they be so stupid to worship those false idols. I mean could anyone have faith in the false god of Baal?"

Yet how many of those same Americans have spent the majority of their time bowing down to the god of wealth and money? How much time have we spent accumulating wealth? How many things have we overlooked in God's Kingdom while we toil away the years building our 2nd homes, padding our retirement accounts and planning for the day we can retire to Florida and read novels by the pool? How much faith have we placed in our paper money system?

What if we knew that the U.S. dollar was going to be utterly destroyed in the near future?? What would we do if we understood that our big retirement accounts were going to become worthless? What would we do if we soon understood that our Social Security payment of $1200 would soon be incapable of buying a loaf of bread? What would we do if we understood that all the banks were soon going to close because the currency within them and the IOU's on their books were all worthless?

If that happens...we really shouldn't be surprised...because God has a history of destroying idols that His people have fallen in love with.

So when I ran across these paragraphs in a financial has caused me to be even more reflective as I contemplate the potential nearness of the destruction of America's false idol;....the U.S. dollar.

The U.S. economy has been fueled by easy credit for decades. The fact that Americans have dumped credit in favor of cash means they will be spending FAR less this holiday season than any MSM economist wants to admit to. I believe the seasonal retail numbers for 2009 will be startling to many who are not aware of the true condition of the economy, and who have blindly believed the Federal Reserve’s announcements that the recession is “over.”

We have predicted for at least the past two years that the primary collapse of the U.S. economy would occur in 2010. We stand by that prediction. Our hopes remain that this prediction will be proven incorrect, and that all will be well, however we have no illusions according to the current data that this will be so. Neither Corporation encourages all of our readers to examine the conditions and information for themselves, and we request that all those who find our conclusions to be correct should make preparations to protect your savings and the well being of your families.

A climactic economic event is on the horizon, and the train is already in motion. We may not be able stop the event from taking shape, but together we can determine its outcome. All those who value truth, liberty, and an honorable society, should be ready not only to save themselves, but to save each other, and to save their country. The time for readiness grows short.

Read it here;

Personally, I have no idea if this is going to happen in 2010 or if it won't happen til 2110....but one thing I know for sure....when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds at the Rapture.....all of our networth's will go to zero. We won't care about our 2nd homes, our 401k balances or the soon destroyed USA and it's greenback dollars.

And yes....when millions of born-again followers of Jesus Christ are Raptured out of the will be the final death blow for the USA as it simply won't be able to recover from such a loss of productive, taxpaying, citizens.

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