
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Out of Bullets

That's what one key financial analyst has said of the U.S. government when talking about it's ability to spark the consumer to start spending and hopefully stimulate the economy.

The paragraph below is the one that caught my eye;

"I don' think you can cut taxes enough to stimulate demand," Whitney said. "For a 2010 prediction, which is so disturbing on so many levels to have so many Americans be kicked out of the financial system and the consequences both political and economic of that, it's a real issue. You can't get around it. This has never happened before in this country."

Read full article here;

Friends, there are soon going to be many things that will be happening that have never before happened. It will shake many in the wealthy countries as their borrowed lifestyles run out of steam.

This could result in a level of anxiety and depression that has never before happened in this country.

Since all Christ followers are called to be salt and light to a collapsing world....we need to ask ourselves this question; If these days are coming soon....what can I do personally to prepare to lead people from darkness and into the light? How can I best prepare to help the Holy Spirit "snatch people from the fire"?

Hat tip to Mike S.

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