
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Iranian Leaders "Scared"

It's hard to figure out what exactly is happening in Iran because the government has blocked most information coming or going. But if the protest rumors coming out have any truth to could be incredibly good news for planet earth....and may postpone an almost certain military strike on Iran by Israel....along with the massive global problems such a strike would certainly cause.

( An underground Iranian activist has told Israel National News that the country's highest official -- Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei -- was spirited to a "secret place" for his own safety and that the nation's religious leaders are "scared." The source - an activist in the global Iranian pro-democracy movement who is involved in assisting a group of some 30,000 students located in Tehran and several other major cities - said Khamenei has disappeared. It is the Supreme Leader who controls Iran's foreign policy, and specifically its decisions regarding its nuclear development activities.

Read article here;

We will need to watch this developing story very closely.

Remember, when evil men (or satanically decieved men) are confronted, they might realize the gig is up and wait for another day....or they may go ballistic and try to sabotage everything on their way out.

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