
Friday, December 11, 2009

Spiritual Confusion

Great article here that pretty much speaks for itself.

"This is a failure of the pulpit as much as of the pew to be clear about what is and is not compatible with Christianity and belief in salvation only through Christ,"

Mohler says.Pew says two in three adults believe in or cite an experience with at least one supernatural phenomenon, including:
•26% find "spiritual energy" in physical things.
•25% believe in astrology.
•24% say people will be reborn in this world again and again.
•23% say yoga is a "spiritual practice.

"Mohler calls these "the au courant confusions," attachments to the latest fashionable free-floating beliefs.

Read it here;

Remember friends, the father of all lies (Satan) is prowling around like a lion waiting to devour people by leading them off the straight path.


  1. Today’s Date: October 29, 2010

    Today I asked my little girl who is in 1st grade: "What did you learned today in school?"

    She said: "Yoga"

    I said: "Yoga????"

    She said:"Yeah, Yoga. You know when you stand and sit and be like a animal like a dog (downward dog pose) and like a statue (warrior pose)."

    {A little background: My girl has Autism and gets a "sensory break" during school)

    Can anyone say HOME SCHOOL.

  2. Amazing! It's all coming together...they teach about sexual tolerance, spirituality, global warming, evolution, etc... You can see that persecution will be coming for any of us "nutcases" that don't tow the party line. Remember, it's illegal to homeschool in Germany...and that will be coming here should Jesus tarry.
