
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Israeli Officials Fear Arrest

We have now officially entered a new chapter in world lunacy.

Tzipi Livni's refusal to enter Britain because she fears arrest on war crimes charges increases the number of Israeli ministers and ex-ministers who fear legal action...

Do we all understand this?? The former Prime minister of Israel is afraid to travel to the U.S.'s closest ally because she oversaw the war that Israel waged on Hamas in Gaza last January.

Hamas launched thousands of missiles aimed at Israeli citizens and when Israel went in to crush Hamas....the world is ready to call their actions "war crimes."

Read it here;

Jesus warned the Jews that in the last days hatred directed at them would explode. The Bible is clear that 2/3 of the world's Jews will die in the coming Holocaust carried out around the time of the Tribulation....and if Christ himself didn't cut those days flesh would survive.

Friends, we are clearly seeing the beginning of the very things Jesus spoke of.

Let's lift up our heads for our redemption is nigh!!

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