
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Montana, Guns and Gold

Today in the Star Tribune was an article that seriously got my attention.

Many of you have heard us talk about the financial wheels of the U.S. economy totally coming off the bus. Then today I read this;

Governments around the world have propped up their failing financial institutions with borrowed money. We used to have overleveraged banks; we replaced them with overleveraged governments.

Panics start small and spread. If Greece goes down, almost every Western government will be at risk.

Syracuse University economist Len Burman, the modest and sober budget expert who was a top official in President Bill Clinton's Treasury Department, told the Washington Post that according to a model he has developed to study the current situation, a "catastrophic budget failure" might happen.

Burman added, "I try not to get too depressed, because if I really thought it was going to play out the way this model works, I would just move to a cabin in Montana and stockpile gold and guns."

Read it here;

Did you catch that folks?? A ex-top official of the U.S. Treasury has a model that is telling him that he should consider stockpiling gold and guns!! But he desperately does not want to believe his own model!!

Author Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

I am quickly coming to the conclusion that the top Wall Street minds that I have the privilege of talking to....simply refuse to believe that the USA could topple in on itself because it has created a bogus-paper-money-system which is built on the erroneous idea that money can simply be printed to purchase anything and everything that they want.

Lord, forgive us for all we have squandered. You clearly told us to seek the Kingdom first but we have fallen headlong into a Satanic trap of seeking after the pleasures of this dark and fallen world.

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