
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year of Threats and Opportunities

It appears that 2009 will pass without a military confrontation between Israel and Iran. Will 2010 be so lucky?

Something big is going on in Iran...that much we know. But the rumors keep coming out that Iran has been testing nuclear triggers and spinning more centrifuges and lying about what they have. And the West seems incapable and unwilling to put up a serious, unified front.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to explore options on what this tiny country may have to do to defend itself against it's ancient nemesis....Persia. (now called Iran)

Let's remember that Iran has buried much of it's nuclear plans deep underground, so if Israel was going to try and take them out....dropping a few bombs on them wouldn't accomplish much.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Iran's nuclear facility in Qom "is likely to withstand regular shelling."

Hmmm...I wonder what that means? Do they have something else planned? Could they be planning on using extreme bunker-buster bombs....or possibly tactical nukes? That could certainly turn the wrath of the world on them in a hurry.

Barak goes on to say an interesting quote regarding the upcoming year;

As for the coming year, according to Barak "2010 will be a year of threats and opportunities. The world's undivided attention is no longer focused solely on us. The world is interested in the financial crisis and global terror, distribution of nuclear arms, radical Muslim terror and wayward nations. We are a natural focus, but we're not the only ones."

Read it here;,7340,L-3826259,00.html

Threats and opportunities....sounds like an interesting year from an Israeli perspective.

Honestly folks....with the cauldron of problems that are nearing a boiling point, is there much hope that mankind is going to walk away from all these flash points singing, "We Are the World"?

Somethings gotta give.

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