
Monday, December 28, 2009

Israel-No Peace on Horizon

We know that Israel will not have peace with it's Muslim neighbors until the Antichrist puts together an agreement at the start of The Tribulation.

That being said, it's becoming obvious to many that peace is looking impossible between Israel and the Palestinians.

Even as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is trying to lure the Palestinians back to the negotiating table, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday that he does not see any chance for a comprehensive agreement in the next 10 to 20 years.

"We think that if we make more concessions everything will work out," he said at a speech to the country's 140 ambassadors and consul-generals who are participating in a conference this week in Jerusalem. "Even if we return the last grain of sand, and divide Jerusalem, and agree to all the demands, nothing will change and we will be in the same situation."

Lieberman cast doubt on the ability of the Palestinian leadership to ever reach an end of the conflict with Israel.

Did you catch that? Israel doubts it will EVER reach peace with Palestinian leaders. Wow!

You have to hand it to Lieberman in that he understands that the Palestinian leaders don't want peace. They want to continue hating Jews until every Jew is dead and not one single Jew remains in all of Palestine.

Read it here;

This could be setting the stage for prophecy because when the Antichrist DOES come up with a peace will be so amazing to the Israelis that they will welcome the Antichrist right into their very midst....and will buy all of his smooth talking, charismatic chatter with everything they own.

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